Abdi Kesehatan dan Kedokteran2025-01-11T10:13:53+00:00Febri jakk.candle@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Abdi Kesehatan dan Kedokteran (JAKK), Prefix DOI: 10.55018, e-ISSN: 2962-7133, p-ISSN: 2962-8245, diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Chakra Brahmanda Lentera adalah peer-reviewed journal yang memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah dari disiplin ilmu Kesehatan dan Kedokteran yang diadopsi dalam berbagai aktivitas pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan penelitian terapan lainnya. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di JAKK merupakan dari hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah asli, artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat terbaru, dan aplikatif dan bermanfaat terhadap kesehatan di masyarakat. JAKK menerima manuskrip atau naskah artikel dalam bidang riset kesehatan dan kedokteran yang dapat diterapkan di masyarakat dan hilirisasi hasil penelitian ilmiah kuantitatif maupun kualitatif berbasis kesehatan dan kedokteran kedalam format pengabdian masyarakat yang mencakup bidang keilmuan yang relevan. Penerbitan Bulan Pertama di Bulan Juli dan Januari.</p> <p><strong>Tujuan jurnal </strong>adalah untuk menyebarluaskan publikasi ilmiah dalam pengabian kepada masyarakat yang dapat menjadi reverensi dan bahkan dapat menjadi bagian dari pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan kesehatan dan kedokteran yang dapat diterapkan dan dirasakan langsung kepada masyarakat.</p> <p><strong>Fokus jurna</strong>l ini pada rumpun keilmuan kesehatan dan kedokteran.</p> <p><strong>Scope</strong> jurnal yang diterima diantaranya: Kesehatan Masyarakat, Kedokterani, Keperawatan, Kebidanan, Gizi dan Ilmu Pangan, Kesehatan Lingkungan, Farmasi dan Biomedik, Rekam Medis, Administrasi Rumah Sakit dan Kebijakan Kesehatan (ARS), Fisioterapi dan Terapi Modalitas Komplementer.</p> Pengukuran Status Gizi Balita Di Ra. Makfiratul Ilmi Bengkulu Selatan2023-01-04T18:51:07+00:00Liya Lugita Sariliyalugitasari@gmail.comYatri<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Toddler period is an important period in the process of growth and development of a child. Growth includes monitoring body weight and length or height to assess the nutritional status of toddlers. The importance of monitoring the growth in children under five, the health office through the puskesmas conducts Posyandu activities for toddlers which are carried out every month. Growth monitoring is carried out because the growth and development of toddlers run simultaneously and influence each other. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The method used is the measurement of the nutritional status of children under five in RA. Makfiratul Ilmi Manna Bengkulu Selatan using the anthropometric standards of body weight based on age (W/U) and body length based on age (PB/U) by WHO. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">After the measurements were made, the results obtained from 22 people whose nutritional status had been measured in Class A that 90% (18 people) under five had good nutrition and 10% (2 people) had more nutrition. </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Suggestions for this activity are for teachers and parents to pay more attention to toddler nutrition so that they can get good nutrition for toddler health.</span></p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Pengenalan Bahaya Kanker Payudara2023-01-04T19:11:41+00:00Liliek Pratiwililiekpratiwi23@gmail.comHarnanik Nawangsarililiekpratiwi23@gmail.comYane Liswantililiekpratiwi23@gmail.comHenny<p>According to Globocan data for 2020, breast cancer has reached 68,858 cases out of a total of 396,914 new cases in Indonesia. Unfortunately, about 70% of cases are detected too late and are at an advanced stage. The impact for Indonesia is of course in addition to being a double burden economically but also the degree of public health. Currently found cases of breast cancer suffered by adolescents, even 14 years old. Therefore the need for pro-active academic efforts to help reduce breast cancer cases. One way is through health promotion by counseling the introduction of the dangers of breast cancer to adolescents.</p> <p>Counseling methods in groups of youth and online. Adolescent counseling participants with a population of 35 people. The media used PowerPoint and Google meet, which lasted approximately 50 minutes.</p> <p>As a result of community service, it appears that 50% of adolescents can answer questions about breast cancer. As well as the enthusiasm of teenagers in asking in detail.</p> <p>Teenagers participating in online counseling can understand and increase their knowledge<br />about the dangers of breast cancer. Counseling can be done at a later time, so that youth can become Change Agents.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Peningkatan Pengetahuan Tentang Penyakit<p>Asthma is a disease that is often found in society and is a public problem throughout the world. The importance of asthma prevention efforts aims to prevent sufferers from experiencing a recurrence of their disease, thereby reducing visits to health services for treatment. This community service aims to increase public knowledge about asthma by providing education to the public.</p> <p>This community service activity was carried out using the lecture, discussion and demonstration method which was carried out on December 22 2022 in the Kumbak of Ranggagata village, Central Lombok with 51 participants to measure residents&#39; knowledge about asthma. The instrument used in this community service activity is a knowledge questionnaire about asthma. Before being given education in the form of health counseling about asthma, participants were given a pre-test and after delivering the material, a post-test was carried out to observe the participants&#39; knowledge.</p> <p>The results of the evaluation of this activity showed that the participants understood and understood asthma, the factors that trigger a relapse, how to prevent an asthma attack and were able to practice deep breathing relaxation therapy to reduce shortness of breath. The knowledge of the Kumbak hamlet residents before being given health counseling about asthma was mostly lacking, namely as many as 38 people (74.5%), increased after being given health education to a sufficient level of knowledge of 29 people (56.9%).</p> <p>There was an increase in the knowledge of the Kumbak hamlet community about asthma after health counseling was carried out. This community service activity is expected to be carried out on an ongoing basis to increase public knowledge about other health problems.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Pengabdian Masyarakat Tentang Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Di Kelurahan Bintaro Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ampenan2023-01-12T18:31:29+00:00Baik Heni Rispawatibaiqhenirispawati123@gmail.comErnawatibaiqhenirispawati123@gmail.comSupriyadibaiqhenirispawati123@gmail.comHeny Marlina Riskawatybaiqhenirispawati123@gmail.comSopian<p>Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that is getting more attention because of hypertension or it is called the silent killer. someone who is said to be hypertensive if the systolic blood pressure is ≥140 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is≥ 90 mmHgThis service activity aims to determine the incidence of hypertension and provide health education to coastal communities in Bintaro village.</p> <p>The method used in this activity is to identify people who have hypertension, then measure blood pressure and provide health education and prevention.</p> <p>With this activity, 80 people who experienced hypertension were found and after being given public health education, they understood and understood hypertension prevention.</p> <p>With this dedication so that people in coastal areas can maintain their diet, lifestyle and further improve their health status by having their health checked more regularly.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Peningkatan Kemampuan Anggota Palang Merah Remaja Dalam Penanganan Kejadian Kecelakaan Sehari Hari Di SMP N 6 Unggul Lahat Selatan Kabupaten Lahat Tahun 20222023-01-18T06:46:20+00:00Kamesyworo Kamesyworokamesyworo260473@gmail.comEka Haryantiekaharyanti74@gmail.comSri<p>The ultimate goal of every development is to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR). Human resources are both the subject and the object of development, covering the entire cycle of human life, from the womb to the end of life. Therefore, the development of human quality must be an important concern. Based on the cycle above, it is necessary to have an effort to provide alternative solutions that can increase the Knowledge and Skills of Youth Red Cross (PMR) members in handling cases of daily accidents that occur in schools, especially in SMP N 1 Lahat Selatan. There is a transfer of knowledge and skills with emergency training on daily accidents that occur in schools for members of the Youth Red Cross as community partners.</p> <p>This training aims to provide the ability for Youth Red Cross Members to provide first aid to everyday accidents that occur in the school environment. The target for this training is the 24 members of the Youth Red Palan.</p> <p>The method of activity that will be used is the training for Handling Patients with Daily Accidents which often occur in the school environment. Participants will be given material on the concept of First Handling in Accidents, Stopping bleeding and splinting, Airway Obstruction and how to overcome it.</p> <p>From the results of the training carried out at SMP N I Lahat Selatan, it was found that before the intervention was carried out there were 45% of students who had good knowledge, after the intervention was carried out there was an increase of 79.2% of students who had good knowledge, the rest was sufficient.</p> <p>The outputs obtained from this activity are that members of the Youth Red Cross are able to understand whatthey do when they find victims with everyday accidents that occur at school.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Mitigasi Bencana Alam Gempa Bumi Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri Senden 2 Kecamatan Ngasem Kab Kediri Jawa Timur2023-01-18T06:30:48+00:00Heru Suwardiantoherusuwardianto7@gmail.comAkde Triyogaherusuwardianto7@gmail.comYoyok<p>Earthquakes can cause many victims if capacity building is not carried out in vulnerable communities. Elementary school (SD) students need to be informed about earthquake preparedness so that they continue to be prepared for earthquake alerts. This study aims to analyze the effect of earthquake natural disaster mitigation training on Senden 2 Elementary School students, Kediri District, East Java.</p> <p>The method used is training with a pre post test design approach. The population is students of SDN Senden 2. The variables measured are knowledge and skills. The training involved 35 elementary school students consisting of grade IV students. The instrument used is the Knowledge Questionnaire. The intervention provided is disaster management training in the classroom and outside the classroom.</p> <p>Based on the results of the study it was found that the results of the pre test were mostly obtained by respondents having insufficient knowledge about earthquake disaster mitigation as many as 23 respondents (65.71%), while the results of the post test were mostly obtained by respondents having sufficient knowledge about earthquake natural disaster mitigation as many as 19 respondents (54.29%). The statistical test results with the Wilcoxon test obtained p value = 0.001 (a &lt;0.05) which means that there is an effect of earthquake natural disaster mitigation training on knowledge of students at SDA Negeri Senden 2, Kediri District, East Java.</p> <p>Earthquake disaster mitigation training must continue to be carried out to increase student awareness and reduce disaster victims due to unpredictable earthquakes. Keywords: Mitigation, Knowledge, Elementary School.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Resiko Terhadap Kejadian Diare Pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pulau Pinang Kabupaten Lahat Tahun 20222023-01-25T05:37:22+00:00Sri Hartatisrih3728@gmail.comKamesyworokamesyworo260473@gmail.comYeni<p>Diarrheal disease is a major problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. Apart from being a cause of death, diarrhea is also a major cause of malnutrition which can cause death and can cause extraordinary events. Many factors directly or indirectly cause diarrhea. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers in the working area of the Pulau Pinang Public Health Center, Lahat Regency.</p> <p>This research uses analytic observation with cross sectional design with chi square test. Where this research analysis was carried out by identifying univariate and bivariate analysis, the instrument used was a questionnaire and was carried out directly with the respondents. The sample in this study were toddlers who were treated at the Pulau Pinang Health Center in Lahat Regency. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total of 50 respondents and had inclusion criteria.</p> <p>The results of data analysis found that there was a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five with a P value of 0.027, there was a relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five with a P value of 0.019 and there was a relationship between mother&#39;s knowledge and the incidence of diarrhea in children under five with P-value 0.046.</p> <p>It is hoped that the Puskesmas health service can increase mothers&#39; knowledge about the concept of diarrhea in toddlers through the socialization of health education in the working area of the Puskesmas.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Kesehatan Lansia Melalui Pendampingan Kegiatan Lansia Sehat2023-01-22T03:50:15+00:00Puput Risti<p>Elderly is part of the life process that cannot be avoided and will be experienced by every human being. At this stage humans experience many changes both physically and mentally, where there is a setback in the various functions and abilities they once had. Elderly is someone who has reached the age of 60 years and over. This activity aims to improve the health of the elderly through mentoring healthy elderly activities.</p> <p>The method used in the activity is pre-post test without a control group. The sampling technique with a total sampling of 30 samples. The instruments used were questionnaires on the level of knowledge of hypertension and observations using a sphygmomanometer.</p> <p>The results of the community service showed that prior to conducting health counseling, 16 (53%) respondents had insufficient knowledge, 8 (27%) respondents were sufficient, and 6 (20%) respondents were good. After being given health counseling, the level of knowledge of the respondents became less knowledge by 2 (7%) of respondents, enough by 5 (16%) of respondents, and good by 23 (77%) of respondents.</p> <p>In conclusion, after counseling, it can be seen that the respondent&#39;s knowledge has increased and this method is considered effective in increasing the respondent's knowledge.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Kelompok Kader Kesehatan Peduli “Sadari” Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Kanker Payudara Di Kelurahan Bandarharjo Semarang2023-01-22T03:47:02+00:00Kurnia Wijayantijayahe28@gmail.comFitria Endah Janitrajayahe28@gmail.comIndah Sri<p>Cancer sufferers in Indonesia increase 20% every year, namely at 136.2 per hundred thousand population. This boosted Indonesia&#39;s ranking, which is eighth in Southeast Asia and 23rd in Asia. In this community service to form a group of health cadres in the community with the aim of optimizing their role, increasing knowledge and ability to perform breast self-examination as an effort to prevent breast cancer. This group-based activity is carried out in a structured and comprehensive manner.</p> <p>The methods used are lectures, demonstrations, and practice. While the media used are materials, video screenings, simulations with visual aids, and BSE leaflets. The material presented included the incidence of breast cancer, understanding, risk factors, myths about breast cancer, the importance of BSE, when BSE is performed and how or steps to check it.</p> <p>The health cadres who came were 43 people from 11 community units (RW) in the Bandarharjo Village, North Semarang. Cadre groups according to their RW. After the community service activities were carried out, the cadres experienced an increase in knowledge about BSE by 85%, cadres were able to carry out the simulation correctly according to the steps 90%. Cadres conduct counseling and BSE simulations to residents with an agreed schedule. This activity is carried out regularly according to the agreed schedule between residents and health cadres.</p> <p>Forming a group of health cadres who care about BSE is very effective for breast cancer prevention. It is hoped that this activity can continue along with the regeneration of the health cadres themselves.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Caregiver Dalam Mengakses Layanan Kesehatan Di Komunitas Pada Orang Dengan Skizofrenia Yang Mengalami Risiko Perilaku Kekerasan 2023-01-22T04:03:51+00:00Nora Guntur15589ahmadguntur@gmail.comMiftakhul<p>Cancer sufferers in Indonesia increase 20% every year, namely at 136.2 per hundred thousand population. This boosted Indonesia's ranking, which is eighth in Southeast Asia and 23rd in Asia. In this community service to form a group of health cadres in the community with the aim of optimizing their role, increasing knowledge and ability to perform breast self-examination as an effort to prevent breast cancer. This group-based activity is carried out in a structured and comprehensive manner.</p> <p>The methods used are lectures, demonstrations, and practice. While the media used are materials, video screenings, simulations with visual aids, and BSE leaflets. The material presented included the incidence of breast cancer, understanding, risk factors, myths about breast cancer, the importance of BSE, when BSE is performed and how or steps to check it.</p> <p>The health cadres who came were 43 people from 11 community units (RW) in the Bandarharjo Village, North Semarang. Cadre groups according to their RW. After the community service activities were carried out, the cadres experienced an increase in knowledge about BSE by 85%, cadres were able to carry out the simulation correctly according to the steps 90%. Cadres conduct counseling and BSE simulations to residents with an agreed schedule. This activity is carried out regularly according to the agreed schedule between residents and health cadres.</p> <p>Forming a group of health cadres who care about BSE is very effective for breast cancer prevention. It is hoped that this activity can continue along with the regeneration of the health cadres themselves.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Pendidikan Kesehatan Pada Pasangan Usia Subur Dalam Pemilihan Kontrasepsi2023-01-26T11:21:03+00:00Samsi Narti Samsisamsinarti92@gmail.comAnne Rufaridahsamsinarti92@gmail.comSri Marliasamsinarti92@gmail.comAsmita Dahlansamsinarti92@gmail.comWuri Komalasarisamsinarti92@gmail.comLailatul<p>Family planning is a government program designed to balance needs and population to control the rate of population growth. In the selection of contraceptives that are influenced by age, occupation, education, knowledge and attitudes, availability of health services, and family support. The factors mentioned above are important things to know because they can influence a person's decision making in using contraceptives.</p> <p>The method of this activity is to provide education through health counseling which is held twice in 2 weeks. Counseling was given regarding health education education to couples of childbearing age in choosing contraception . There were 32 couples of childbearing age who took part in educational activities. The media used are leaflets, infocus and laptops.</p> <p>The choice of the type of contraception using the injection method increased by 71.87% to 78.12% with 23 to 25 couples of childbearing age who chose the injection contraceptive method. After education, the dominant couples of childbearing age used contraception, namely 78.12%, planned to continue using this type of contraception through injection, but there was an increase in planning to participate in norplant contraception participants, namely 6.12% and KB tubebectomy/vasectomy 3.12%. This is possible after getting an explanation and understanding and the desire to be able to provide a brighter future for the family by choosing a solid contraception with sufficient number of children they already have.</p> <p>In order to support services and increase public understanding of reproductive health, community service activities are held in the form of Reproductive Health Education and Reproductive Rights for Couples of Reproductive Age in Family Planning services, Kubu Dalam Parak Parakah Village.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Caregiver Keluarga Berbasis Online Dalam Perawatan Lansia Dengan Hipertensi Di Era Pandemi COVID 192023-01-27T19:05:28+00:00Margiyati Margiyatimargie.akperkesdam@gmail.comNovita Wulan<p>The decreasing body immune of elderly people and the existence of hypertension comorbidity make the elderly people belong in high-risk group, thus they need to be paid special attention during the Covid-19 pandemic era. Some of the elderly people who had come to integrated healthcare center on monthly basis stopped the visits as well as the regular check-ups because they were afraid that they might had been infected with Covid-19. Based on the fact, there was a raising need to conduct an online-based dedicated community service which aimed at empowering the family as caregiver in treating elderly people with hypertension during Covid-19 pandemic era.</p> <p>The community service activity was carried out by observation/field visit, training via Zoom Meeting app, home visit assistance, and monitoring through BKL WhatsApp app. The subjects of the activity were 20 family caregiver taking care of elderly with hypertension who were registered at Setya Manunggal III Integrated Healthcare Center for Elderly People.</p> <p>The result of this community service activity showed that the level of caregiver’s knowledge in taking care of elderly raised, from lack of knowledge category 50%, adequate knowledge category 40%, and excellent knowledge category 10% to lack of knowledge category 0%, adequate knowledge category 40%, and excellent knowledge category 60%. After receiving training, there was an increase of 80% in caregiver’s skill, which was determined by their ability to provide the right diet, 60% of them were able to assist and accompany the elderly to do elderly exercise, and 90% of them were able to give therapy such as providing lemongrass water feet soak.</p> <p>Since there was a significant increase in knowledge and skill of the caregivers after conducting the training, so it is hoped that the caregivers are able to independently handle the proper treatments for elderly during Covid-19 pandemic era.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Senam Hipertensi Terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi di Posbindu Pujasuma Kelurahan SP VI Sari Bungamas Tahun 20222023-01-28T16:25:49+00:00Sri Hartatisrih3728@gmail.comKamesyworokamesyworo260473@gmail.comYeni Elvianikamesyworo260473@gmail.comEka<p>The Elderly is the final stage of development in human life, the elderly are very susceptible to various diseases, one of which is hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure is often said to be the silent killer because it is a deadly disease that is not accompanied by early symptoms. Hypertension gymnastics is a sport that aims to increase the flow of blood and oxygen into the active muscles and skeleton, especially the heart muscle. This study aims to determine the effect of hypertension exercise on changes in blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension at Posbindu Pujasuma Kelurahan SP VI Sari Bungamas in 2022.</p> <p>This study used a pre-experimental design with one group pretend est posttest design. The number of samples is 50 respondents. The population of this stwaswere all elderly people at Posbindu Pujasuma Kelurahan SP VI using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used tensimeters andobservation sheets, while data analysis used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.</p> <p>The results of the study were obtained before the treatment the average systolic blood pressure was 171.60 mmHg after the treatment the average systolic blood pressure was 146.80 mmHg. And the results before the treatment mean diastolic blood pressure was 109.20 mmHg after treatment the average was 92.60 mmHg. The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon Rank Test obtained statistically significant results of 0.000 less than the significant level of 5% (ρ–value = 0.000 &lt;0.05) that there is a significant effect of hypertension exercise on changes in blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension at Posbindu Pusjasuma Pusjasuma SP VI Lahat in 2022.</p> <p>For this reason, it is hoped that cadres and health workers can provide counseling about hypertension exercises, and the elderly to do hypertension exercises regularly so that they can reduce hypertension. Keywords: Hypertension Exercise, Elderly, Changes in Blood Pressure.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023